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Scapula Stabilization & Movement

Scapular stabilization and mobility - A different Perspective

by Joel Crandall

Looking at things differently form a Structural Joint Balancing perspective by Joel Crandall - Kinesiologist and Exercise Physiologist and creator of the VOILA Method for Structural Joint Balancing.

So many articles or blogs are written about scapular mobility and stabilization. Studying it's movement.

I Honestly, do not understand this fascination and/ or what the clinical importance is your assessments.

Let's look at this differently. Here is why, from my view and perspective, as a Kinesiologist and exercise physiologist.

First the scapula is a floating bone on the back that is held there by muscles. Ah, maybe there in lies the issue for me. You are still thinking muscles. Why? Structure dictates Function not muscles and certainly not a bone that is free floating on the posterior rib cage that is dictated by muscles for movement.

If you are thinking Muscles First you are missing the whole point of Structure Dictates Function. The

only Structural attachment for the scapula is the Clavicle at the Acromion Process of the Scapula (AC joint). If you have separated your AC joint your world didn't end. I have separated both AC joints,

Now let's look at the other side of things which is where the magic is happening and actually dictating the movement of the scapula. It's the clavicle. To be more specific- The sternoclavicular joint where the clavicle and manubrium attach. If the Sternoclavicular junction is not functioning properly then the scapula will not be functioning properly! Its as simple as that.

STUDY These Scapular Movements Differently. Look at how the Clavicle moves in opposition!

As the Scapula Elevate or upwardly rotated the Clavicle at the SternoClavicular joint Depresses downward.

As the Scapula Abducts and Depresses downward the Clavicle Elevates at the SternoClavicular Joint

If the SternoClavicular joint in not Functioning Properly then the line or angle of pull of the muscles will be compromised. Muscles will have to adapt, improvise and overcome. In another words “dysfunc

tional” to get the movements done. Which will lead to the scapula moving not as efficient.

So next time you are considering your Scapular stabilization and movement assessment you will actually look for the cause and not blame the muscles!

For more on the Manubrium and its function. check out my blog on the Manubrium at

Come check out a VOILA Method for Structural Joint Balancing seminar near you!!

And look at things Differently. Its common Sense and basic Physiology of Movement.

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